Other Monday action
January 22, 2008 on 1:50 am | In analysis | Comments Off on Other Monday actionOkay, what do I know? Watchung Hills did not take advantage of its mulligan, losing 3-0 to Cranford on Monday. I know Cranford has a decent team this year, but the Cougars did just lose to Summit. The Central White is turning into an interesting race. If I could get Paul VI to report its scores, we might even find out who finishes in first!
Ramsey also slipped up, tying Mahwah 3-3 just a few days after beating the Thunderbirds. St. Joseph Metuchen had a chance for revenge against Hillsborough but could only come away with a 3-3 tie. And Notre Dame got whipped 7-0 by St. Augustine Prep. That one really wasn’t too much of a surprise, but it just adds to a poor performance from yesterday’s Top 20.
Moral of the story is … the Central Conference and NBIAL are pretty darn unpredictable, and ranking their teams is next to impossible.
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