firmer plan on realignment; schedules on the way

July 2, 2007 on 11:29 am | In analysis | Comments Off on firmer plan on realignment; schedules on the way

As first reported here, the NJSIAA is moving toward a public state tournament split. I did get wrong information about how the split will work, however; all publics will be designated as large or small (can I go ahead and suggest Public A and Public B, to keep in line with the designations for private schools in other sports? Public I and Public II or Group III/IV and Group I/II could be pretty confusing) before the season begins, rather than after teams qualify for the tournament.

Dan Breeman of the Daily Record got some feedback from Morris County coaches on the realignment; predictably enough, Harvey Cohen (and most league coaches, which coincidentally are small-school) is on one side and Rich McLaughlin the other. You gotta love it. The actual text of the proposal, which will be voted upon in September, can be found here.

Finally, the NJIHL’s preliminary schedule for most of its divisions (and the NBIAL) was recently passed on to me – I’m in the process of entering that data into my files and should have preliminary (very tentative) schedules up soon, hopefully helping coaches and administrators in fine-tuning those schedules. Once they’re up, please do not take them as gospel because schedules tend to change quite a bit from their original form. With that in mind, if there are any suggestions for the format of this site’s various schedule pages, I would love to hear them now so that I can incorporate them from the beginning.

And obviously, JVR was drafted by the Flyers and made history in the process, getting plenty of pub for it. I’m glad I got to see him play, albeit briefly, and hopefully we’ll eventually see the third NJ high school product in the NHL. Pretty cool that he can just go by his initials around here, huh?

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