
November 22, 2005 on 9:40 pm | In Uncategorized | 2 Comments

Welcome to my New Jersey high school ice hockey blog. I am often frustrated by the lack of original content available online about hockey in the Garden State, so I plan to give everybody something to read this season.

As most people familiar with my site know, I have been following and tracking New Jersey high school ice hockey since 1991, publicly since 1996. I kept up with the scene in college while writing for Hockey Night in Boston, recording scores and standings for the entire state. Since my real job does not extend to the baseball offseason, I am living in Morristown this winter and hope to be able to follow the entire season. This blog will be up and running as long as I am in New Jersey.

The blog will be much more personal than the rest of the njhockey.org site. I will try to write about hockey every day, but you will probably also read about soccer, the NFL, college football, and whatever else I feel like writing about. The blog will mostly consist of game recaps, statistical analyses, notes, stories, and impressions from games I see working at Mennen Arena and around the state. But I hope to be blogging every day or every other day during the season, so be ready for December.

Jonathan Yardley


  1. Hi Jon, glad to have you back for another season. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and look forward to your comments each day.

    Phil Czapla
    Johnson High School Ice Hockey Parent.

    See you at the Cron Tournament?????

    Comment by Phil Czapla — 23 November 2005 #

  2. Great idea, Jon. I know that you see a lot of games that the print media don’t cover in NJ. I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on those games. See you at the rink.

    Comment by L. Powers — 24 November 2005 #

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