December 19, 2005 on 2:06 am | In analysis | Comments Off on weekend update
I was out of town for a wedding this weekend, but I got back in time to cook up my first Top 20 rankings of the season. I’m sure there will be plenty of criticism, and I can’t wait.
Meanwhile, scores? I think I got one e-mail on Sunday with a score when there were 13 games. I much prefer e-mails with some little tidbit about the game (even if it’s just shot totals) to tracking down scores on the NJO forum.
I’m looking forward to this week, though. Monday is a bit slow, but there are good games every night, culminating with a 31-game extravaganza Friday. Without going to South Jersey, I think my best bet is to start Friday at the SCIAA tripleheader at Bridgewater and leave during the second game to drive up for the Don Bosco-Randolph game at 8:45. But I’m open to suggestions. EDIT: Apparently, the Randolph game is at 5:30, so I’ll have to concoct a new plan.
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