Snow day!
February 22, 2008 on 11:34 am | In breaking news | 2 CommentsApparently it snowed a bit up there. I wouldn’t know anything about that, but I have heard that pretty much everything has been postponed.
Mennen Cup semifinals – Saturday, 4:15 (MK-MB) and 9:00 (Pin-Ran). Mennen Cup finals will be Monday at 7 p.m.
Shore Conference finals – Monday at 6:15 (Shore B / Dowd) and 8:30 (Shore A / Handchen)
NBIAL final & third place – Tuesday at 7 (Final) and 9 (Third Place)
There’s also a hot rumor going around that today’s NJIHL games at South Mountain have been moved to Monday.
Thanks to Nancy Hughes, Brian Wilkinson, Roger Jones and others for keeping me in the loop.
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Yes we had snow nearly 9 inches in NW NJ
Comment by Phil — 22 February 2008 #
will the nbil actually have a cup to give away this year?
Comment by jj — 26 February 2008 #