Explaining the public tournament
November 12, 2007 on 2:22 pm | In breaking news | 1 CommentThanks to a frighteningly early deadline (before practices even begin), I’ve been working on my HNIB preview (including a Top 10, of which you might see a sneak peek soon) all week and talking to coaches.
This afternoon, I finally broke through and got hold of NJSIAA Assistant Director Jack DuBois, who confirmed the particulars of the public tournament split. I’ve heard a lot of information from a lot of people on this one, but nobody seemed really sure. So here’s what I’ve got:
According to DuBois, the 95 public schools playing varsity hockey (I’m not sure if that number includes East Side and Monroe – I’ll check when I get home to my personal computer tonight) will be classified before the season as either Public A or Public B (the terminology is not finalized, but that’s how DuBois referred to them.) Hamilton (10-12 enrollment 1,013) will be in Public A and Nottingham (enrollment 1,010) will be in Public B. DuBois iterated that the at-large process will remain the same, which seems to mean three private and three public, regardless of class size.
I’ll try to have more analysis of this later.
On a private school note, great to see New Jersey prep seniors representing in the DHI Cup – Mike Morreale had a quick recap at njice.8m.com.
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Already excited about hockey ’07-’08 — Let’s get it started!
We’ll be getting you video highlights this year, so you can feel the NJ winter freeze all the way down there in Texas!
Just wanted to say welcome back!
The Coach
Comment by MCHSsports — 18 November 2007 #