Boston take on Delbarton-CM game
December 27, 2008 on 12:18 pm | In analysis | Comments Off on Boston take on Delbarton-CM gameWe were all kind of wondering how folks up north would respond to the 5-1 shellacking Delbarton handed out to Catholic Memorial last weekend. I managed to track down a local article on the game, and I was more than a little surprised to see Catholic Memorial coach Bill Hanson – as well-respected a coach as you will find in the high school game – say that Delbarton was flat-out a better team. I was similarly surprised that the article’s author would suggest that New Jersey hockey might be better than Massachusetts hockey.
So give the article a read. There are plenty of things a naysayer could point out, but 10 years ago, a New Jersey school beating the No. 2 school in Massachusetts – and the most storied hockey program, at that – would not be believed. I didn’t even think it could happen this year. Interesting to say the least.
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