Thursday update

December 20, 2007 on 10:42 am | In breaking news, game recap | 5 Comments

A couple of results from Wednesday games that are worth noting. First of all, and most importantly, East Side got a win! The Red Raiders beat St. Rose 5-4 on Thursday for its first win since beating St. Rose 7-1 on Feb. 1, 2006. Of course, that’s only about five games ago, since East Side did not field a team last year. Next time these teams meet (Jan. 14), I’ll root for St. Rose.

I also wanted to point out an article most people may have missed on Delbarton’s 6-2 win over two-time defending Rhode Island state champion Bishop Hendricken.

I’ll be flying back to New Jersey for a brief holiday stay on Friday night, which means Saturday will probably be my only day of checking out N.J. hockey games this year. Any suggestions as to where I should go?

Thursday update
Just to explain several updates to various schedules … I’m told Hackettstown and Hudson Catholic had five players EACH given game disqualifications in their Dec. 17 game. That’s from one skirmish, in which I’m told no punches were thrown, and both coaches were baffled by the referees’ decision. It happened in the first period, and Hudson Catholic played the rest of the game with only six players, total.

Due to mandatory two-game suspensions (which will also yield state tournament ineligibility for both teams) for roughly half of its players, Hudson Catholic has chosen to forfeit its next two games: Friday against High Point and Sunday against Dumont. Assuming my schedules are up to date, that could save Dumont from playing on three consecutive days, which it should be noted is NOT legal. Dumont, Nutley, and Parsippany are all teams in danger of playing three games on three days at some point this month. This is a violation of NJSIAA rules and has, in the past, been punished with forfeits.


  1. roxbury vs park regional

    Comment by jeff — 20 December 2007 #

  2. Mo Beard vs Kinnelon. 2 pm @ Skylands.

    Comment by Ed — 20 December 2007 #

  3. Kinnelon

    Comment by charlie — 21 December 2007 #

  4. Agreed, the Kinnelon/Mo Beard game at least, not sure where else, it looks like the only big game on Saturday.

    Comment by Jim — 21 December 2007 #

  5. Great update. I hope you’ll post more.

    Comment by Houston Real Estate — 23 December 2007 #

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