who else will join the party?

March 7, 2007 on 11:17 am | In analysis | 1 Comment

Well, I went five-for-five yesterday, and I’m kinda proud of myself. I’m going to brag now, because there’s no way I’ll get all the games right two days in a row. Game-by-game yesterday:

Fair Lawn 0, Northern Highlands 0 (FL 3-1 in shootout) : Bergen Record
I got this one right, but I can’t say it was a really tough pick – Fair Lawn is the best public state tournament underdog of the past five years, by far. Colin Lemay stood on his head, as you knew he might, and Northern Highlands’ season ends in the cruelest of fashions – the shootout. From personal experience, I know how that one feels. I truly wish I had been there for this; my boy Dan Rosen said it was the best state tournament game he’s ever seen.
Hillsborough 4, Jefferson 1 : Star-Ledger
This one sounds closer than the score. Visnovsky had to make 25 saves, and Jefferson had seven power-play chances but could not find its offense. It was about time for the Falcons, anyway.
Randolph 4, Steinert 3
Props to Steinert for keeping it closer than I expected. Props to Kyle Krannich for making me a prophet with his hat trick. He’s been one of my favorite players since he was a Kenny Agostino-sized freshman, and it’s been fun to hear about him moving up to forward and dominating a bit. Too bad the 8 pm game is too late for newspaper coverage.
Notre Dame 5, Don Bosco Prep 2
Shemansky and Slowikowski keep rolling on by breaking open a 2-2 game in the third period. Even if Notre Dame goes down to CBA, two wins over Gordon teams and a gaudy record make this a great year for the Irish.
Delbarton 7, Paramus Catholic 1

You’ve got my predictions for tonight in the previous post; I would go to Mennen Arena for the doubleheader there, and the Watchung Hills/Ramapo game ought to be terrific as well. Enjoy!

1 Comment

  1. just to be clear it was 4-1 not 5-2, no way jefferson could of gotten in two goals with the way the boro goalie was playing

    EDIT — My bad. It’s now fixed.


    Comment by falcon fan — 8 March 2007 #

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