the big one
January 5, 2007 on 10:56 am | In Uncategorized | Comments Off on the big oneShort post today, because things are pretty simple. Y’all, enjoy the game tonight. It is the best rivalry in New Jersey high school sports. It is the most exciting night of the regular season. Mennen will be alive with people tonight, and unless you have a game of your own, you want to be there. I know I do. This will be the first season since 1993-94 in which I will not see a Delbarton-Seton Hall Prep game, and the first one at Mennen I’ve missed since the teams began playing regularly. That’s pretty strange.
So go early, stay late, high-five your buddy in the parking lot or lobby and then scream your guts out against him in the stands. Cheer loud and long, enjoy people-watching, enjoy the hockey, and stay classy. It’s a fun night, and it’s one game that usually lives up to its billing. Don’t miss it.
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