a big thank you
December 11, 2006 on 11:30 pm | In Uncategorized | 1 CommentI just wanted to thank everybody who sent in scores today. This weekend felt like a barren wasteland in terms of getting scores reported, but tonight was a change. When I got back from the high school basketball games I was covering, I had about 30 emails with scores. I didn’t have time or energy to write back to each one, so if you’re one of the people who sent in scores, thank you! It really makes my life a lot easier. I even caught up from the weekend.
Also, just to rub it in, we had a high of 73 degrees here in Houston today. Of course, it came with a decent amount of rain and cloud cover – that’s our idea of winter.
Enjoy the games!
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Hi, Jon! I am also a Delbarton alum (Class of 1980) living in The Woodlands. Thank you for your website — great to hear about NJ hockey through a fellow Delbarton grad. Isn’t this 70 degree weather something? Which of part of Houston are you in?
Comment by Bryan Desjardins — 13 December 2006 #