Scrimmage: PJ 3, Ran 1

November 26, 2005 on 6:33 pm | In game recap | 1 Comment

I got off to a late start for the Randolph-Pope John scrimmage today, and I was further confused when I walked into the rink and did a brief double take – who was Roxbury playing? But it was just Pope John. The Lions, under the direction of former Roxbury goalies Ryan and Corey Brown, wear uniforms that, viewed from behind, are virtually identical to Roxbury’s uniforms. Once I got past that fact, however, I enjoyed the game.

It was sloppier than the RBC-Knolls scrimmage I saw yesterday, especially in terms of penalties … both teams spent plenty of time on the power play. Tied 1-1 after the first period, Pope John got a power play goal on a well-deflected point shot and a scrappy goal that probably should not have counted due to the referee’s whistle to win 3-1. The scoreless third period was an 18-minute stanza with running time, and the scoreboard shot count was 21-20 in favor of Pope John.

1 Comment

  1. Great job with the site again Jonathan.
    Game was close and should have been 2-1 given the goal after the whistle – Randolph players stopped play on the whistle and then the goal was put in…

    Overall, Randolph will need to pickup their offense and stay out of the box to have a successful season. Good goaltending and solid defense will keep them in every game.

    Comment by CCWICKS — 26 November 2005 #

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